Why choose us?
Simply put, we are the best at what we do and we will take the greatest of care of you. We have decades of experience and have successfully treated thousands of people for a range of musculo-skeletal and stress related complaints.
Here are some of our most commonly treated conditions:
Muscular aches, pains, & injuries, Stress, Anxiety, Low mood, IBS, Headaches, Migraines, Neurological Pain, Insomnia, Chronic pain, Chronic injuries, Herniated discs, Sports injuries, Postural issues

Carrying any kind of mental or physical imbalance can really suck the joy out of life, and we know, we have been there personally too. Not only have we helped thousands of clients, we have also been through our own challenges with our own mental and physical wellbeing, and have come out of the other side much wiser & stronger. Through our lives and our clinical practise we have learned that when you have the right knowledge and skills, aches, pains, injuries and ailmments can be solved very quickly. We have also learned that even the most chronic or stubborn ailments can be dealt with effectively and completely.
It is possible to feel great almost everyday, in every way, when you get the right guidance and support.
Get in touch with us today and join the most satisfied client base in the Northwest.